Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 167: Mastering Sleep Science

Episode 167: Jack Dell’Accio

In this illuminating podcast episode, Dr. Kien Vuu delves into the world of sleep optimization with Jack Delaccio, the visionary behind Essentia. Discover the secrets to unlocking better sleep as Jack shares his expertise on creating a clean sleep environment and combating common disruptors like toxins and EMFs.

Learn how Essentia mattresses revolutionize sleep by minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals and integrating innovative technologies like the quartz formula for EMF protection. Explore the concept of “sleep divorces” and gain valuable insights into the biological nuances of sleep regulation for men and women.

Here are some fascinating insights from the episode:

Toxin-Free Sleep

Discover how Essentia mattresses lead the way in promoting healthier sleep environments by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals commonly found in traditional mattresses.

EMF Protection

Explore the innovative use of quartz formula in Essentia mattresses, offering protection against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and enhancing the quality of sleep for users.

Navigating "Sleep Divorces"

Gain intriguing insights into the concept of “sleep divorces” and how couples are redefining their sleep habits to prioritize rest and intimacy while optimizing overall relationship wellness.

Now, take the first step towards rejuvenating your sleep and enhancing your well-being. Tune in to the episode and join the conversation on unlocking the secrets to better sleep. For more expert advice and practical strategies to thrive in every aspect of life, follow Dr. Kien Vuu on social media and dive into the wealth of knowledge in his bestselling book, Thrive State, available at

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