Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 38: Attracting Health, Wealth, and Success through Inner Peace

Episode 38: Charles Clay

Have you noticed…

When things at work are so overwhelming and demanding, your body feels more tired?
When relationships at home are strained, your body also feels tight and uneasy?
When you’re behind your goals, you feel even less energetic and heavy to get out of the slack?

I’ve lengthily discussed in my Thrive State book about stress and emotions being one of the seven bioenergetic elements that influence our health and performance. Experts and leaders in their respective industries like Tricia Nelson, David Meltzer, and Tomm Voss, have shared nuggets of wisdom on this when I had the privilege of having them as guests at the Thrive State podcast.

True healing starts from deep within us—literally from the cells—and also, from that inner peace that creates a beautiful harmony and synchronicity in our bodies. And by cultivating a creator consciousness and aligning with our purpose, the physical manifestations of our negative emotions and limiting beliefs also wither away.

In yet another inspiring conversation, Charles Clay, men’s empowerment coach, shares his near-death experience and healing journey—a great testament to the wonders of core work on inner peace.

Charles is also a dynamic speaker, published author, and founder of M Powered Men’s Group Training and Mastermind. Years after graduating from WSU with his degree in Kinesiology, he sustained a devastating back injury while snowboarding. Instead of getting a spinal surgery, he followed his intuition and began his self-healing journey. The immense pain he endured ignited a spiritual awakening and expanded his passion for combining ancient healing practices and eastern philosophy with modern-day science and Neurokinetic Therapy to allow for optimal healing and wellness.

Now, he is a master at helping people reach inner peace because he believes that the toughest challenges unlock amazing gifts that we can all share.

Coach Charles offers powerful and playful practices for moving through fear, releasing resistance, and stress to activate your zone of genius and build the confidence to share your greatest gifts. Because after all, we’re not here just to survive; we’re here to THRIVE.

Watch the Thrive State podcast episode with Charles Clay and be sure to catch him on IG and

Interested in getting coaching support from Charles? Connect with him at

Show notes


Journey to Inner Healing: From abandonment wound that carried on and kept showing up in my life, heavy emotions showed up as tightness and pain in my body.


Story of the mammoth mountain: Even at a 10/10 state of pain and fear, I accessed my intuition and I knew and felt that my path is not to give my power away to someone that wants to cut in and try to fix my injury that way. I promised to try all natural means necessary for healing.


Neurokinetic Therapy: It’s about addressing the neurological traffic jam—what’s not allowing the signal to get to parts of your body.


I saw a common denominator as I was addressing the physiological aspects of injuries: there are underlying emotional and metaphysical issues in their experience that also need to heal.


Through understanding and taking responsibility for subconsciously pushing people away, I was able to connect the dots between the emotions that I hadn’t felt but were residing in my body as issues.


Signs of Subconscious Limiting Belief: It can show up in your health, relationships, and wealth. They’re running behind the scenes. We can have the strongest willpower to change habits but if these programs are still running, then you’ll keep experiencing different characters in the same situations going on.


Inner Peace Process: I believe that one of the greatest skills we can have as involving human beings is the ability to identify these limiting beliefs and, and have a way of clearing and resolving them. It’s an eight-week progressive journey learning the keys to manifesting with ease and visioneering.


Steps to Inner Peace: Create an intention. Shift from victim mode. Turn on your reticular activation. Everything that’s happening is happening for us; we don’t have to be as afraid when we’re facing challenges.


Creator consciousness: Upgrading your level of attention so that you’re keeping your greatest asset on what’s actually important in your life. Fear of deathbed regrets plus laser focus method allows me to create an accelerated fashion. As more people start stepping into that creator consciousness, you realize your emotions can become your internal guidance system.


Sixth Love Language: Every relationship is a little bit different. Love languages are a great way to help communicate and understand how people like to receive and give love. But a lot of people don’t realize that there’s a sixth love language—space or distance. The power of distance allows us to see things from a different perspective and really appreciate one another.


Intimacy couples retreat: Deep conversations about sex magic and how to channel that into what you want to create in your life. When you’re both clear on the direction that you’re going together, it allows for a lot more ease and grace in the relationship and allows for deeper intimacy.


Relation-shape vs relationship: Because we’re constantly reshaping our relationships. It’s always a work in progress.


Charles’ Best Medicine: Inner peace process. Being able to connect the dots. Feeling uncomfortable is actually a chance to put on the curiosity lens and take it through the step-by-step process to connect the dots. There’s always something to learn, gain and new self discoveries that are upon us. And so they’re not to be feared.

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