Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 146: Mental Health Roadmap & the Empowering Journey of Setting Boundaries

Episode 146: Case Kenny

Life often throws complex situations our way, muddling our world with shades of grey. In my recent dialogue at the Thrive State Summit with Case Kenny, we explored an empowering approach to a concept we all grapple with: boundaries.

The Misinterpreted Concept of Boundaries

Typically, we perceive boundaries as rigid lines drawn around us, often viewing them as external structures that guard us against the intrusions of others. However, Case Kenny shares a transformative perspective, defining boundaries not as barriers erected against others, but as promises made to ourselves.

By reframing boundaries as self-made promises, we shift the focus inward, centering our personal growth and accountability. This subtle yet profound shift underpins the principles I discuss in my book “Thrive State,” available at, where holistic well-being starts from within.

Why Boundaries Matter

Research, including that cited by Psychology Today, underscores the importance of setting healthy boundaries, suggesting they’re crucial for maintaining emotional health, self-esteem, and personal agency. But how does one set these boundaries effectively?

Case Kenny highlights the necessity of mindful communication and vulnerability. It’s about asserting your needs in a relationship, whether personal or professional, and understanding the consequences of what it means if those boundaries are not respected. By committing to this practice, you not only advocate for your well-being but also foster deeper, more respectful relationships.

The Grey Area: A Place of Inaction

One of the most resonating takeaways from our discussion was the metaphor of living in life’s grey areas. These are moments of uncertainty, where silence and inaction replace the potential for meaningful dialogue and growth. Case Kenny challenges this by encouraging a ‘war on the grey,’ advocating for clarity, even when it leads to temporary discomfort.

The grey area is deceptive. It feels safe because it postpones confrontation. However, studies, including those published by Harvard Business Review, show that ambiguity, especially in communication, can lead to stress, misunderstandings, and a lack of progress in one’s personal and professional life.

Embracing the Outcome

When we communicate our truth, we embrace the vulnerability that Case Kenny emphasizes in our conversation. It leads us to one of two outcomes: getting what we want or getting what we need. Both scenarios propel us forward, serving as catalysts for growth and authenticity.
To hear more about these insightful strategies and tools for mental health, ensure you register for the Thrive State Summit for FREE at Join us, along with other renowned experts and thought leaders, as we delve deeper into practices that enhance mental health and emotional wellness.

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