Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 94: The Present and Future of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Episode 94: Dr. Bob Hariri

With the convergence occurring right now among genetic medicine, genomic biology, sequencing, cellular medicine, and cell engineering, could we possibly perfect human biology?

With increasing success and advances in stem cell therapy, could we possibly regenerate the body for life in optimal health and peak performance longer than we’ve ever seen?

The possibilities are endless!

In my latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast,
my good friend, Dr. Bob Hariri, who is leading a renaissance life, navigates with us these questions.

He used to focus on treating head and spine injuries but during his training, he uncovered biology related to stem cells that help shape our health as we age–preserving human performance as we age and eradicating serious causes of premature death.

Today, the authorities and the public are gaining a sense of comfort with cellular medicine. And over the next 2-5 years, experts say we will probably see more of this in the mainstream and more approvals of using therapeutics from living cell sources.

Catch this precious eight minutes with the regenerative medicine doctor, co-author of the new best-selling book, Life Force, and founder of Celularity, Dr. Bob Hariri, bring us up to speed on the present and future of stem cells and regenerative medicine.

Check out and @drbobhariri on social media.

Show notes

The Present of Stem Cell Therapy:

  • The last decade has been uncertain. Today we know that authorities are beginning to gain a sense of comfort with cellular medicine.
  • Over the next 2-5 years, we see more approvals of using therapeutics from living cell sources. People are able to devote their own cellular products to maintain their own health, like putting something away in your savings account and using it later in your life.
  • Cellular medicine has intrinsic safety to it. It focuses on cells derived from the host. One of the easiest to control because of the sources of cells.

Bottomline: No matter how healthy we are, we all have residents in our own DNA, as a function of age and function of birth, fundamental deficiencies or defects that don’t necessarily allow us to have perfect biology.

Chimerism is using cells from other sources to augment your DNA. Natural selection will select traits that are of survival advantage. We’re going to come to a point where we can read one’s genomes and read the genomes of a library of donors and select those donors that can actually augment one’s biology.
Bob’s Best Medicine: Worry about your mitochondria, and genomic integrity but also eliminate killers like stress. Understand your own genomic traits.

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