Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 122: Breathwork Summit: A Deep Dive into the Power of Breathing for Optimal Health

Episode 122: Jen Broyles

Breathwork is an ancient practice that has gained immense popularity in recent times. The power of breath has been known to help people alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and a host of other ailments. Breathwork is an umbrella term for different techniques that focus on regulating the breath to help you achieve a state of calm, balance, and wellbeing. Breathwork can be done in different ways, including meditation, pranayama, and conscious breathing exercises.

To help people discover the benefits of breathwork, Jen Broyles, a functional health coach, is hosting the Breathwork Summit, a four-day event that brings together over 35 thought leaders from different fields to share their knowledge and expertise on the topic. The summit will cover a wide range of topics, including functional medicine, plant medicine, gut health, hormones, emotional freedom technique, and longevity, all anchored in the power of the breath.

Some of the speakers who will be sharing their insights include:

Jessie Coomer
Gio Bartolomeo
Sachin Patel
Travis Stephens
Ben Holt
Kim Stanwood
Terra Nova

The summit will take place from June 15-18, and it is free to attend. To register, visit the link provided in the description below.

In a recent interview with Doctor V, Jen Broyles discussed the power of breathwork and its impact on overall health and wellbeing. Jen highlighted the importance of correcting our habitual breathing patterns, as many people are not breathing properly, which can lead to a host of health issues. She mentioned some of the common breathing problems, including breathing erratically, shallow breathing, and mouth breathing, all of which can be corrected through conscious breathing exercises.

Jen emphasized the importance of nose breathing, as it helps to filter the air we breathe, and it also helps to produce nitric oxide, a powerful antioxidant that fights off viruses and bacteria. She also shared some tips on how to engage the diaphragm and breathe slowly, as many people breathe at a rate that is too fast for optimal health.

The Breathwork Summit is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the power of breath and how it can improve overall health and wellbeing. The summit will provide practical tips and tools that participants can use to incorporate breathwork into their daily routines. It is also a chance to connect with like-minded people and learn from some of the top experts in the field.

In addition to the summit, Jen Broyles offers a wide range of resources on her website, including coaching services, free guides, and e-books. You can also connect with Jen on social media, including Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, where she shares daily inspiration and tips on optimal health and wellbeing.

For more content like this, check out our other work at You can also buy the 2nd edition of the book, Thrive State: Your Blueprint for Optimal Health, Longevity, and Peak Performance, at

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the power of breath and take your health and wellbeing to the next level. Register for the Breathwork Summit today!

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