Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 98: The Integrative Approach to Sleep Everyone Needs to Know

Episode 98: Todd Youngblood

Sleep is as important as nutrition and exercise. But many people do not pay as much attention to sleep as they would to these other factors.

But haven’t you noticed—
…when you experience negative sleep outcomes, it’s harder to move and exercise?
…when you experience negative sleep outcomes, you tend to eat less healthily?
…when you experience negative sleep outcomes, it’s harder to focus and keep things in your routine in order?

When you constantly experience negative sleep outcome, it’s going to be downward spiral.

Yes—that’s how big of a deal sleep is.

So how do you get a good night’s sleep?

According to Todd Youngblood, one of the pioneers and innovators in sleep technology and founder of, sleep is basically influenced by three things: environment, behaviors and mindset.

Environment usually speaks of temperature and light. We have discussed in previous Thrive State Podcast episodes how blue light affects sleep. Temperature? Todd says, there’s actually no such thing as the perfect temp for ALL. It’s a dynamic factor that varies for people. And as it gets colder now for the most part of the country, getting that dynamic temp throughout your sleep becomes more challenging.

In this latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Todd talks about the top things we should work on when it comes to sleep, plus some very practical things we can do to improve sleep.

Catch Todd Youngblood share an integrative approach to sleep that everyone needs to know!

Find out more at Sleep.Me

Show notes

Temperature and Sleep: There’s no such thing as the perfect temperature for sleep for all people. Studies say it can be anywhere between 16-60 degrees F.
There’s actually a sleep switch—when you cool your body at night, that change in the temperature turns the sleep switch, producing melatonin.
Sleep.Me’s technology: Helping people find their individual temperature and making sure there’s a dynamic temperature throughout the sleep and warms up a little bit before the wake up call.

  • The future of sleep is automating the sleep improvement process such as making schedule recommendations and adjusting that all throughout the night to maximize deep sleep.
Three Main Aspects to Sleep Improvement

  • Environment: pertains to temperature, light
  • Behaviors: pertains to what you did throughout the day and before sleeping, what you ate throughout the day, etc.
  • Mindset: pertains to your mental and emotional states, i.e., are you going to sleep in a stressed state, are you taking the time to meditate, and downregulate, etc.
Three Main Negative Sleep Outcomes

  • You can’t fall asleep
  • You wake up and can’t fall back to sleep
  • You slept but woke up not feeling rested
Top 3 things holding people back to get good sleep: Negative Sleep Outcome or no sleep drive can be because you are not tired enough, the environment is too hot or you think about things you have to do.
Top things you can do to get good sleep

  • Start a sleep journal – for two weeks, record what you eat, what you did when and observe your sleep, be aware of your intake
  • Take Melatonin – but don’t take it for three days in a row to not damage your natural ability to produce it
  • Focus on the environment, behaviors and mindset – there’s always small things you can do in those 3 categories.
Todd’s Best Medicine: Being self-aware, being humble. It helps you make sure to work on the things that are most important

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