Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 06: Making of a SuperHero body with Celebrity Nutrition Expert with Rehan Jalali

Episode 06: Rehan Jalali

We all want to transform into better beings this year and undeniably, it’s always the dream body we want to focus on. But before we get into details, I would just like to mention how important it is to maintain a strong physique to achieve our goals. And if you are into reaching peak performance, you will definitely need more than a semi-toned arms or biceps. You will need a SuperHero Body. Trust me, it’s not like any other.

This is where my guest will come in very handy. He is Rehan Jalali, Celebrity Nutrition Expert who helped build Super Hero bodies for big screen actors Sylvester Stalone and Ben Affleck (Yes, it’s not just the costume silly!). Hit the play button and listen to know more how we can start cracking up!

Show notes

00:00 - 05:00


Dr. V: “ Everybody needs your superpower. But I want to. So I want to take this way back. Where were you born? And where did you grow up?”

Rehan Jalali: “ I grew up in Miami, Florida, and then Texas. So I moved to Texas when I was a child. And then I grew up in Texas. I was the skinniest kid on the block, and I wanted to get muscles dammit, I was one of those guys that used to watch football and sports. And I was like, God, these jeans, I’ve just always just been skinny you know, I mean 25 pounds soaking wet with boots on you know. And so I started getting into training in Texas, playing football.”

05:00 - 15:00


Dr. V: “Totally agree that like, as an expert, you know, and coach like yourself, as a doctor for myself, I feel it’s so important to really, really actually believe that for the person we’re trying to help. Because that energy translates into something that they could say, Oh, I could feel something in myself that I was not able to see. And, and, and, and help them through that process..”

Rehan Jalali: “That’s right. It’s just getting them to believe in themselves greater than they’ve ever believed in themselves before. And then consistently following up with that. And you’re absolutely right. And I love when you see your videos, and you talk a lot about mindset. And that’s so important. People don’t realize a lot of fitness isn’t about the eating or sleeping or the training. It’s about the belief in your mind.”

15:00 - 25:00


Dr. V: “That I 100% agree with you. You know, you could very easily trick the body, you know, for a particular look in a while. But if you don’t do that in a way that’s supervised, in a way where people are looking at your labs, and where it’s sustainable, you can make a lot of havoc and a lot of inflammation to your body no matter how you look for you know, in a very short period of time, you know, so I completely agree with that.”

Rehan Jalali: “I’ll go back to your philosophy. That’s not just surviving. That’s not thriving. Yeah, we’re not, we’re not in a thriving state. Book blog blog. Now, honestly, most people are in a survival state, they’re gonna thrive, right, they’re just trying to do with a candidate and get that next hit. But it’s, it’s honestly a lot of it has to do dopamine. I mean, I don’t wanna get too technical…”

25:00 - 33:56


Doctor V: “ how is your mental state? How are your emotional states? How are you dealing with? With everything that’s going on with the virus? Now? How are you staying healthy and keeping yourself strong? And you have you have, you know, have you dealt with, you know, losing friends and family members of the virus I know I have?

Dr. V: “That’s amazing. I’m so glad that you could just, you know, let people know that, you know, beyond Hollywood, people can do it. And you know, it’s great to know that you are helping those types of people as well. So let us know how people find out more about you? If they want to get coaching from you? How do they reach out to you?”

Rehan Jalali: “ DM me on Instagram or email me or go to my website And then we’ll go from there and we’ll find a way to help you I mean, whether it’s through our books to our articles through your simple programs customized for us, whatever, we have different levels for everybody, we really can help you.”

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