Episode 53: Kien Vuu I’ve got some news! Do you want the good news or bad news first? I ask this question to my patients all the time. Okay, let’s go through the bad first. Let’s get it over and done with so we can jump quickly right back to the good. Bad...
Episode 52: Kien Vuu Let’s say this is your chance for a do-over, to hit the reset button, how would you like to reconfiguure your health and life? What if I tell you there’s an easy way to unload for good those habits and beliefs that held you off? I believe...
Episode 51: Joel Relampagos What’s on your list for 2022? New diet plan? New workout program? New self-care regimen? But let me pose the more practical question here: how do you make it count? How do you make it last? We have talked about in the past a lot about...
Episode 50: Kurtis Lee Thomas When was the last time you paused and took notice of your breath? Breathing is the most basic and instinctive activity for all human beings and every animal alive. So instinctive that we seldom pay attention to how it supports everything...
Episode 49: Giacomo Marquese Full disclosure to people in the community: I’m not vegan, but I promote a very plant-rich diet. And I’ve had guests in the past who have shared so much wisdom from the plant-based diet perspective. Remember the episode A Game...
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