Best Multivitamin For Men Over 50

Best Multivitamin For Men Over 50

Your body needs fuel. “Duh, Kien.” I hear you rolling your eyes from across the net. But here’s something you probably don’t pay enough attention to: What’s in the stuff we use to fuel our bodies matters just as much, if not more, than simply getting the right amount...
The ONE Recreational Drug I promote

The ONE Recreational Drug I promote

The ONE Recreational Drug I promote I’m a doctor and I advocate healthy lifestyle choices to overcome and prevent chronic disease. But I have a confession to make. I ate 3 huge pieces of Domino’s cheese pizza at work last week. Like totally inhaled them. It was...
The Gratitude Pharmacy

The Gratitude Pharmacy

You’ve probably heard that practicing gratitude can help you hack your way to better health. Whether that means keeping a gratitude journal, becoming addicted to inspirational memes & quotes, or adding #blessed to everything you post on Instagram… the cult of...