Kien Vuu MD
thrive state blog
Laugh Your Way to Better Health
When’s the last time that you laughed so hard, you cried? I mean, full-on ugly laughing with no abandon. Bonus points if you snorted. How did you feel after? Did your stomach hurt? Was your body tingling? Did you feel fully present and in the moment? Did you feel at...
Best Multivitamin For Men Over 50
Your body needs fuel. “Duh, Kien.” I hear you rolling your eyes from across the net. But here’s something you probably don’t pay enough attention to: What’s in the stuff we use to fuel our bodies matters just as much, if not more, than simply getting the right amount...
My Morning Dose of Medicine: The Morning Routine
Though doctors give a lot of advice; eat well, get enough sleep, don’t smoke… if you’ve ever suspected that we don’t always follow our own advice… you’re right! For years I told patient after patient to change their lifestyle while I was unhealthy, overweight,...
Let’s Get Dirty….to improve our health !!!
As a culture, we’re pretty obsessed with sanitation. But our obsessive overuse of antibiotics and hand sanitizers might actually be making us sick, grumpy, and fat. I mean, you can’t even go to the grocery store without encountering a free hand sanitizing station. The...
The ONE Recreational Drug I promote
The ONE Recreational Drug I promote I’m a doctor and I advocate healthy lifestyle choices to overcome and prevent chronic disease. But I have a confession to make. I ate 3 huge pieces of Domino’s cheese pizza at work last week. Like totally inhaled them. It was...
The Gratitude Pharmacy
You’ve probably heard that practicing gratitude can help you hack your way to better health. Whether that means keeping a gratitude journal, becoming addicted to inspirational memes & quotes, or adding #blessed to everything you post on Instagram… the cult of...
TELOMERES…How learning to chill out can change your DNA
Most people think that they’re too busy to chill out… OR they think that chilling out means binge watching Netflix, skipping gym time for a few days, or finishing a pint of Halo Top… “Treat Yo Self!”... right? But you guys… this is WRONG! As a culture, we all...
How I’m Rewiring my Genetic Code Without Spending Any Money
To be honest, without some context, rewriting your genetic code sounds expensive, scary, and like the premise of a Netflix series I’d binge watch! But it’s actually really simple to do. First, you need to know about a field of study called Epigenetics. • Epigenetics...
You’re getting healthy… very healthy. How hypnosis helps relieve chronic pain, inflammation, and stress.
A guy quacks like a duck while an audience laughs at him… a woman is convinced that she’s won the lottery and she takes off her shoe and tries to speak into it like a phone... We’ve all seen enough cheesy 90’s sitcoms where a hypnotist can get normal people to do...
Mr. T breaks down 3 ways that dating as a Doctor is like Olympic Curling
Like the sport of curling, dating when you’re a doctor isn’t as sexy or easy as it looks. As a matter of fact, I can think of 3 ways that my experiences of dating as a doctor compare to Olympic curling. And Mr. T is going to back me up. 1. I’m always running late....
Thrive State
The THRIVE STATE Podcast is a fun and raw conversation with leaders in entertainment, business, sports, science, health, and literature - to explore the mindsets and habits of the world’s highest achievers to learn their secrets to health, wealth and success.
The show will take a 360 view on success to not only reveal secrets to physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual wealth but explore the roles of human resilience, meaningful relationships, parenting, contribution and play.