Thrive State Podcast

Mr. T breaks down 3 ways that dating as a Doctor is like Olympic Curling

Like the sport of curling, dating when you’re a doctor isn’t as sexy or easy as it looks.

As a matter of fact, I can think of 3 ways that my experiences of dating as a doctor compare to Olympic curling. And Mr. T is going to back me up.

1. I’m always running late.

Curling isn’t as easy as it looks and neither is managing my schedule. I’m almost always running late. When I have 10 other ‘dates’ scheduled for the day (patient appointments) it’s inevitable that no matter how good my intentions are — I’ll probably get out of work later than I planned. It takes mad skills to manage my schedule and to communicate how crazy it can be upfront.

2. I have to check my phone at least 10 times during dinner. Or during a movie. Or when I’m meeting your parents. Or…

So like curling, dating as a doctor requires a high level of finesse so that my date won’t get mad and walk out on me. How can I check my phone so often and be present with the person in front of me? It’s rough and it definitely sucks. But I’m essentially on call 24/7 so my phone is often as much a part of the date as I am. I swear I’m not checking Instagram or Snapchat… my job just never stops.

3. I might have terrible table manners because I’m freaking famished.

Olympic level curling entails an insane level of training, prep, and pressure. I can relate because that sounds like a normal day at my job where it’s easy for me to forget, or run out of time, to take care of myself. Meaning – I skip lunch way more often than I want to. So please don’t judge me if I inhale my plate of Elated (Mole Abuelita Enchiladas) at Cafe Gratitude or if I don’t pause for a second while I down my sashimi platter… I’m just. So. Hungry.

So why even bother dating? Well… who doesn’t want what Noah and Allie have in The Notebook? Companionship matters.

Connection with others triggers a release of oxytocin. Oxytocin helps to lower your cortisol levels which can reduce blood pressure, calm GI inflammation, and just make you feel really freaking fantastic.

But don’t feel too bad for me. I’m out here trying to change the world, one video, post, and patient at a time. I know if I keep putting out good energy, love, and laughter, I’ll find my true love soon enough.

And just like we can choose to date regardless of how demanding or crazy our careers are – don’t forget that we can also choose to take control of our health.

You are health.

Your choices have a cumulative effect on your health. Give yourself permission to be your best. You are your own best medicine and positive relationships & connection are a big part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

To your health (and love life),
Dr. Kien

PS – Have you ever dated a doctor? Or are you a doctor? I’d love to hear about the challenges you’ve had in dating! Click here to share your story on my Facebook page & don’t forget to follow me for entertaining real health updates.

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