Thrive State Podcast

THRIVE GLOBAL – “To Be a Billionaire, Find a Way to Help 10 Billion People” 5 Leadership Lessons With Dr. Kien Vuu

Best Medicine with Dr. Kien Vuu





Dr. Kien Vuu does not come from wealth or a medical family despite his success in the medical field. He was the only infant who survived a boat from Vietnam. He also endured hardship at a refugee camp in the Philippines for three months. Dr. Kien Vuu survived rickets and dysentery in both places. From then, Dr. Kien Vuu worked exceptionally hard to overcome poverty and finally became a successful physician. However, in the process of pursuing his dreams, he forgot to take care of his body.


Dr. Kien Vuu hopes that his medical history, as well as his personal struggles in life, can inspire people. He hopes to bring hope to a world filled with chronic ailments. Dr. Kien Vuu holds a sincere belief that community and laughter is the best form of medicine and that only by healing ourselves from within can we heal the world.


Dr. Kien Vuu’s Journey of self-healing


Before beginning his company, Dr. Kien Vuu was suffering from diabetes. Moreover, he had neglected his body and was overweight. He could not sleep at night without the help of sleeping medication. As a result, Dr. Kien Vuu began his journey of personal development and self-healing. This process led him to discover the healing powers he had within himself. He adopted a healthy mindset and made drastic changes in his diet, exercise and sleep patterns.


Now Dr. Kien Vuu wishes to inspire others to do the same, he is using the United States media as well as the entertainment industry to drive change in America.


Dr. Kien Vuu’s journey is one that has inspired several other people. One of his patients, for example, is in remission from liver cancer and has been in this state for about two years. The main cause of his state of remission is mending the broken relationships he had with his family.


What makes Thrive Global stand out


Dr. Kien Vuu knows that standard medical approaches often invoke fear in the patients. His company wants to change this traditional view to medicine. The hopes to change the attitude of customers to medicine by combining laughter and fun with medicine. By so doing, the patients discover the healing powers they have within themselves. Dr. Kien Vuu believes that this is where the best medicine lies.


Dr. Kien Vuu’s Inspiration


Dr. Kien Vuu maintains that the patients who have shared their stories with him have been the largest inspiration in his life. He cites a patient by the name Ishmael who was 43. The man only had months to live but he continued to live his life with an abundance of love. Often spreading the same to other people.


Dr. Kien Vuu’s top 5 leadership tips


  1. The only measure of your success is the people you serve. Therefore, focus on them and only them. Dr. Kien Vuu himself has often gotten sidetracked by other measures of success. He believes that focusing on such things could cause your business to stray from what it was meant to do which is to serve others.


  1. Every failure should be seen as a new opportunity for growth. Only by adopting this mindset has Dr. Kien Vuu been able to attain the resolve to continue with his company.


  1. You have to start from somewhere and that’s okay. Sometimes Dr. Kien Vuu has felt like an imposter who is evolving to the person he aspires to become. He maintains that there is no shame in faking it till you make it because we all start from somewhere.


  1. Find a way to serve 10 billion people and you will become a billionaire. Dr. Kien Vuu believes that if you serve others, plenty of finances will follow.


  1. Dr. Kien Vuu’s mantra is a quote by Picasso stating that the true meaning of life is finding one’s gift, and the true purpose of the same life is to give this gift away. Dr. Kien Vuu holds this saying true in his heart and intends to share the remainder of his life giving his gift to as many people as he can.




Dr. Kien Vuu’s other source of inspiration is Oprah Winfrey. He relates to her personal struggles and admires her resolve through all of them. He claims that he would love to have a meal with her.


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