Thrive State Podcast

BUZZFEED – What Alien Abductions And A Sleep Disorder Have In Common

sleep disorder

How well do you sleep and for how long do you sleep in a night? It has been scientifically proven that sleep is important when it comes to good health, high performance and overall well being. You will be surprised to know the most frightening reason why you should ensure that you sleep well. Since it is a surprise you should keep an open mind because what as Dr. Kien Vuu I am about to share with you is something that you might have not heard or thought about before.

If you do not sleep well you are at a higher risk of being abducted by aliens. I know now you are wondering what exactly I mean as Kien Vuu since you believe that there are no alien abductions. But if you stick with me for a short time you will be able to understand exactly what I mean. To understand this you need to start by knowing that there are two broad stages of sleep. One of these stages is Rapid Eye Movement (REM). This is the stage where you get to dream about different things. While on this stage your muscles are usually relaxed and turned off so that you do not act while you are dreaming for you can easily hurt yourself or the person you are sharing a bed with.

During REM you might wake up where your brain will be active but your body will be turned off. This particular moment is commonly known as sleep paralysis. This means that you can feel certain things but your body cannot respond to the things you are feeling. During a sleep paralysis stage you might feel stuck, experience a deep sensation on your chest or see things in your bedroom such as creatures or people. This is usually very scary for you cannot do anything about it when your body has been turned off. 60% of the intense UFO experiences are usually associated with sleep paralysis.

Since you do not want to go through such scary experiences you should ensure that you get enough sleep at all times. If you do not want to avoid these scary experiences then I am not sure there is any other way as Kien Vuu I can motivate you to get enough sleep. There are various things you can do to avoid the alien abduction and other scary experiences. But many people think that just using sleeping pills will help them sleep better. The truth is that most sleeping pills will just give you an average of eleven extra minutes of sleep.

The most ideal thing you can do to get better sleep is having the right evening routines. You should also ensure that you make healthy lifestyle choices and you manage your health accordingly. This is attributed to the fact that alcohol, sleep deprivation, sleep apnea and some medications are just some of the things that can increase the chances of going through the scary experiences. There is a likely hood that you might not go though something extreme such as sleep paralysis. But it is always paramount to make sure you enhance your health even when you are relatively healthy. All the choices you make will determine how well you will be able to sleep. Therefore, you should choose to lead a healthy life so that you can get better sleep.


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