Thrive State Podcast

How your poop can clear up brain fog

Image result for poop

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you want to hurry up and do something, your brain just wants to move slllooowwwwly? Maybe it takes too long to do something simple like writing a to-do list, checking your emails, or working on an important project. Slow or impaired cognitive function is a classic symptom of brain fog – and it can make even the simplest tasks feel like Olympian feats.

But what does your poop have to do with that?

You probably know that the sum of your health is one part genetics (DNA) and one part lifestyle. But new research shows that there’s a third component to health that we need to factor in and take seriously if we want to take control of our health: the Human Microbiome.

Here’s a 165-word breakdown of everything you need to know in order to understand your microbiome:
• Microbes = key element in digestion. Modern diets have evolved faster than our bodies. Thankfully, gut microbes have evolved fast enough to help bridge the gap between your diet and your body.
• A healthy gut supports the immune system by starving and eliminating pathogens.
• Your gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system – the enteric nervous system. It can release a broad range of neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine… creating a bridge between emotions and stress levels.
• Scientists are beginning to view the gut as its own ecosystem because it’s so insanely complex.
• Transplanting a normal mouse with the microbiome of an obese mouse results in the normal mouse becoming obese.
• Your microbes are affected by basic activities like showering, using skincare products, and eating.
• When your gut lacks a healthy balance of microbes, dysbiosis occurs and can lead to obesity, feeling down, and chronic disease like diabetes, and some cancers. It can also lead to autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, IBS, and arthritis.

Ok, so I can hear you thinking, “Where does my poop come in, Kien?”

Gut imbalance (microbiome imbalance) can lead to brain fog.

One way that an imbalanced gut can trigger brain fog is when bacteria produce too much histamine. Histamine aids alertness and learning. But if you have too many bacteria producing too much histamine, it has the opposite effect on your brain and hinders cognitive function. (Specifically by activating H3 auto inhibitory receptors.)

Another way gut imbalance can lead to brain fog is when good bacteria that keep yeast levels in check drop too low. If your good bacteria levels are reduced by antibiotic use, excessive alcohol intake, too many refined carbs, or even some birth control pills, the yeast levels get too high. This impairs your body’s ability to regulate healthy serotonin levels and yeast (or Candida) produce neurotoxins which can trigger brain fog.

But… there’s a very easy way find out if your microbe is causing your brain fog. And it only requires a small poop sample!

This awesome test can be completed quickly and easily in the comfort of your own home. If you want to see my adventures in getting my own test completed… check out this video that I filmed.

Your body’s natural state is health.

Your small, daily choices have a cumulative effect on your health. Take control of one small habit to support your gut’s health today.

You are your own best medicine!  Click HERE to find out how to check your gut microbiome.

You are health,

Dr. Kien

PS: Do you know someone struggling with brain fog? If so, do them a favor. Share this post with them… it might hold an answer they’ve been looking for. Then comment or reply to this post and let me know, if you’ve struggled with brain fog, how did it make you feel? How did you try and treat it? I read every reply!

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