Thrive State Podcast

You’re getting healthy… very healthy. How hypnosis helps relieve chronic pain, inflammation, and stress.

A guy quacks like a duck while an audience laughs at him… a woman is convinced that she’s won the lottery and she takes off her shoe and tries to speak into it like a phone

We’ve all seen enough cheesy 90’s sitcoms where a hypnotist can get normal people to do bizarre things. The media has shown us plenty of examples of Stage Hypnosis – where hypnosis is used in a comedy routine for entertainment.

But did you know that there’s more to hypnosis than entertainment?

There is – and it can transform your life by relieving chronic pain, inflammation, and stress.

This less familiar use of hypnosis won’t make you laugh until you cry watching people innocently pull goofy stunts… but it can change your life.

First, let’s go over the basics of how hypnosis works:

• Hypnosis alters the connections in your brain – changing your state of consciousness with gradual relaxation techniques.
• In a state of hypnosis, your default mode network (which controls self-awareness) and your executive control network (controls cognition) disconnect. This makes it possible for people to be conscious but not consciously choose their actions.
• Hypnosis decreases activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (the part of your brain that filters information). Which impairs a person’s awareness of what they’re doing and where they are.

So how does this affect chronic pain, inflammation, and stress?

Hypnosis can override the sensory and affective components of pain by increasing the connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with the insula (the part of your brain that processes time, emotions, and pain). Hypnosis has been used in place of other sedatives for things like interventional radiology procedures (that’s what I do!), dental procedures, chronic pain from headaches, temporomandibular disorder pain, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, and carcinoma-related pain.

In studies of people with arthritis and related inflammatory diseases, 75% of study participants reported high levels of pain relief from hypnosis.

By addressing the source of anxiety or stress directly with age regression techniques hypnotherapy has proven to be effective in treating and relieving stress and anxiety. You can treat the source instead of masking the symptoms!

It’s amazing to see how many ways hypnosis has proven just as effective as medications in treating chronic pain, inflammation, and stress — and often at a lower cost, too.

I hope you’re hypnotized by the information I’m sharing with you here… and that you’ll consider trying hypnosis if you’re struggling with any discomfort or disease.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of hypnosis (both the funny kind and the medically useful kind). Study after study shows that our natural state is health and that our bodies are incredible self-healing machines.

And hypnosis in one cool way to support your body and help bring it back to its natural state of health.  Check out this entertaining vlog on hypnosis & this interview with hypnotherapist, Danna Pycher, ( to find out more information.

To your health,

Dr. Kien

PS: Have you ever been hypnotized? (And I don’t mean by watching Beyonce dance!) If so – what was it like? If not, would you ever try it? Why or why not? I’d love to hear your experience or thoughts on this. I make time to read every reply.

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