Thrive State Podcast

Not getting enough sleep could lead to an alien abduction.

help sleeping



“Enough with the boring articles about sleep! You know that sleep is important for high performance, good health, and overall well being. But… you probably don’t know the most frightening reason to make sure you’re sleeping well.


eep an open mind because what I’m about to tell you isn’t as kooky as it sounds.


Not getting enough sleep could lead to an alien abduction.


I can hear you now… “WTF, Kien?” But stick with me for a minute.


You probably know about REM (rapid eye movement – one of the two broad stages of sleep.) You dream during REM and your muscles are basically ‘turned off’ to keep you safe and stop you from acting out your dreams.


But there’s a crazy thing called sleep paralysis… and it occurs when you wake up during a REM cycle while your brain is ‘on’ but your body is ‘off’. What does that mean for you? Well… during an episode, you’ll probably feel stuck, you might see things in the room – like people or creatures, and you might experience a heavy sensation on your chest. It’s legit scary.


And 60% of intense UFO experiences are associated with sleep paralysis.


If avoiding a frightening alien abduction hallucination doesn’t make you want to get enough sleep, then I’m sorry. I don’t know how else to help motivate you ‘up’ your sleep game.


So what can you do to make sure you’re sleeping well and avoiding alien abductions? If you’re thinking “I’ll get myself some sleeping pills,” I have bad news. Studies show that sleeping pills only give you an average of 11 extra minutes of sleep.


But evening routines can help you pave the path for better sleep.


Healthy lifestyle choices and managing your health can help, too, because sleep deprivation, alcohol, some medications, and sleep apnea are a few things that can increase the chance of an episode.


You may never experience anything as extreme as sleep paralysis but it’s important to prioritize and choose health even if you’re relatively healthy.


Because your choices have a cumulative effect on your health and every choice you make factors into the total sum of how you’re going to feel each day.


So choose health. Choose good sleep.


You are your own best medicine,

Dr. Kien

PS: Do you know someone who would benefit from reading this article? If so, please share it with them! And then leave a comment below and tell me… do you believe in aliens? Why or why not?”

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