Thrive State Podcast

TEDx, Tony Robbins, and Exciting News !!!

Hello Health Family, 

I know it’s been a while since my last my message to all of you. But I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your ongoing love and support.  There are so many new and exciting things happening with the brand and projects we are undertaking.  So today…I just wanted to deliver a few updates and some nuggets I’ve learned over the past few weeks. 
As some of you may know, I just delivered a TEDx talk titled: the Unconventional Prescription: YOU are your best medicine.  I’ll be sharing the video when its out, but briefly, the talk covers how our choices and living in authenticity & purpose are the true access to abundant health and well being.  When I got back from my TEDx talk, I went to Date with Destiny – a transformation week by Tony Robbins; it was amazing !!!  
During that week, Tony discussed the 6 human needs – Certainty, Significance, Love/Connection, Variety, Growth, and Contribution.  He states that most people in our society usually value Certainty and Significance as their top 2 needs and this usually from programming from society/culture/environment.  I was one of those people.  But the other thing Tony mentioned, that usually, the people who have Significance/Certainty as their top values are not happy in life.  They tend never to have enough of either significance or certainty.  These people tend to find themselves unfulfilled.  I was also one of those people.  In fact, not only was I unfulfilled, I became sick – developed diabetes and hypertension.  
Research Dr. Steven Cole and Barbara Frederickson on epigenetics actually explains this phenomena.  They described 2 groups of people, those who had hedonistic happiness (the happiness you get from material or external things) and eudaimonic happiness (the happiness from having a deep sense of meaning & connection with a larger purpose in life).  Those who displayed eudaimonic happiness have gene expression that caused increase immunity and decreased inflammation, while those who had hedonistic happiness had the exact opposite gene expression. 
They good news is, we can shift our values.  Currently, I’m focusing more on Growth/Contribution & variety.  In fact, Tony Robbins also states that the quality of our life is directly proportional to the degree of uncertainty we can tolerate.  
So I’m making big moves.  I’m selling my house – a symbol of significance for me in the past and investing on passion projects – none of which I know what the outcome will be.  I’m working on a film project, continuing to make health entertainment, and building lifestyle and wellness clinic.  
So thank you.  I’ll check in every now and then, but please be patient as I reconstruct a new platform to connect with you and get the latest health information for you to bring out the best versions of yourselves.  
Thank you all again for following.  Remember…YOU are your best medicine.  

In Health, 

Dr. Kien 

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